AURODO IS MAGIC – A 2019 TOP LEARNING GAME – TRUSTED by Parents & Families Globally. Aurodo has won many awards for connecting physical play with interactive digital learning. (NO INTERNET NECESSARY for game play and learning).
MAGIC EXPERIENCE – Does your kid love animals? Gift them an experience of Real looking Zoo Animals at home. Kids scan the special cards with Tablet/ Phone to bring animals live in 4D environment. Zoom and Rotate the animals, listen to their sound, CLICK PHOTOS and RECORD FUNNY VIDEOS with animals.
DEVELOPS CRITICAL SKILLS – Because PocketZoo4D is DESIGNED with huge educational research, it will help to improve your child’s cognitive skills. Also it will help to enhance Creativity, Imagination and Visualization. This is one of the best gifts you can buy for boys and girls age 2 and up.
SUPER FUN LEARNING TOOL INCLUDES – 32 Special animals cards, 90+ Learning activities on animals, 1 device stand, 1 carrying pouch, 1 activation code and 1 instructions card. The game works with iPad, iPhone and android phones and tablets.
AURODO PROMISE – WORTH EVERY PENNY, OR YOUR MONEY BACK – We know you have your pick of stem learning game and we’re proud of all the educational research, time and talent we’ve poured into this game. We guarantee you that the children will absolutely love this game, or your money back – no questions asked.
The post Aurodo Pocket Zoo 4D – Top 4D STEM Encyclopedia of Animals – INTUITIVELY Designed Learning in Augmented Reality | Record Amazing Funny Videos and Click Photos of Kids with Animals | Age 2 and Up appeared first on Chandigarh24.